Pastor Von and his church were trying to raise funds for a mission center. A Golden opportunity presented itself when a cell phone company wanted to build a cell phone tower on the church campus. The cell phone company wanted rent a six square foot piece of land for $2,000 a month.
It seemed like an answer to Pastor Von's prayers. The church board approved of the proposal and everyone at church was excited. However, at the city council meeting, there were surprising protests from members of the community. The cell phone company's proposal was canceled and everyone at church was disappointed.
Pastor Von refused to dwell upon this setback and gathered church members to keep praying to God to help them raise funds for the mission center.
Through God's grace and providence, Pastor Von's church was able to raise the funds to build the mission center six years later. During the dedication, Pastor Von revealed that the proposed cell phone tower would have been built in the middle of where the mission center is now. That apparent setback six years ago worked out for the best.
Apparent setbacks in our own lives may actually work out for the best if we continue in trusting in God's divine plan for us.
- Recommended reading: Jeremiah 29:11; Ecclesiastes 3:1-22; Romans 8:28